Helping Anesthesiologists Succeed

The Anesthesia Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by a group of concerned anesthesiologists in 1956 to provide low interest loans to residents in anesthesiology who are in need of financial assistance. The goals and purposes of the Foundation are:

  • To support young physicians in their choice of anesthesiology as a specialty;
  • Support specific projects that enhance the specialty of anesthesiology and are not supported by other agencies; and
  • Recognize and preserve the American heritage of anesthesiology.

The Anesthesia Foundation Resident Loan Program provides lower interest loans with flexible terms to help individual anesthesiology residents and fellows who meet certain criteria. It is the intent of The Anesthesia Foundation to provide loans to cover extraordinary living expenses related to emergency medical needs, housing and education.

In addition to its Residency Loan Program, The Anesthesia Foundation has stepped in to help residents and early career anesthesiologists when natural disasters have impacted their financial well-being.  Following Hurricanes Katrina and Harvey and during the COVID-19 crisis, The Anesthesia Foundation provided grants and loans to impacted individuals.